Group Health Plans

Is your insurance broker well-versed in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ObamaCare)?  Insurance became a lot more complicated with the President’s new health care reform.  We take great pride in being able to help our Idaho health insurance clients navigate the new reform and the compliance issues that result from it.  This law will be implemented over the next decade and it is important to understand the law’s requirements as they take effect.

The options available to employers vary greatly depending on the size of the company.  The same applies to the number and type of laws such as Idaho Small Group Reform Law, COBRA, OBRA, and the Civil Rights Act which must be followed.  The options and laws surrounding health insurance and employee benefits make it important to have a trusted independent advisor on your side.  We have over 30 years of experience working with small groups (2-50 employees), midsize groups (51-99), and large groups (100+).  Because of the diversity of options and laws depending on your company size, we encourage you to contact us for a customized quote.  Whether you are looking for fully insured or self-funded quotes, we can help.  Call (208) 523-3924 or email us at